
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Xliff Previewer


Xliff Previewer allows you to quickly view the contents of standard xliff files, sdlxliff (Trados Studio xliff), and mxliff (MemSource xliff) as well as ttx (Trados TagDocument) and tmx (translation memory exchange format) from context menu (right-click menu) on Windows Explorer.

Screen captures

image image

Release notes

  • Version released with the following improvements (January 27, 2015)
    - Support of standard xliff files (*.xlf/*.xliff)
    - Added keyboard shortcuts for the filter buttons (Move the mouse pointer over the buttons to see their associated keyboard shortcuts.)
  • Version released with the following improvements (August 21, 2014)
    - Bug fix: Comments could not be extracted from sdlxliff files generated by Trados Studio 2011.
    - About box has been added.
  • Version released (August 20, 2014)


Download_48x48Xliff Previewer ver. (zip file)
*If you are using Chrome, it may block the file from being downloaded. If that happens, use a different browser or disable blocking temporarily before downloading the file.

I would be grateful if you would leave a comment about:
- what you think about the application
- feature requests
- bug reports

Operating environment

- .NET Framework 4.0

Other translation tools you might find useful…


  1. The tool is brilliant, but could you add memoQ xliff variant too?

  2. Could you send a few sample memoQ xliffs to as I am not a memoQ user?

    I've been really busy since the beginning of this year and will continue to be busy for at least next two months, so please be patient until I get around to working on the next release...

  3. This tool is a gem! Any chance that it could be expanded to edit the xliffs as well? This would allow to make a quick fix in a file without opening it in Trados.

  4. Hi, harubaru
    This app, as its name suggests, is dedicated to viewing the contents of bilingual files. While it would be possible to expand the app to edit only normal xliff (*.xlf/xliff), it is quite difficult to edit sdlxliff or ttx without using Trados API. Doing so could damage the files.
    But I'm considering developing a quick editor that limits its supported format to sdlxliff, using Studio's API.

    1. Hi Junya,

      Thanks so much for your reply! One thing that is great with the current app is that Trados is not required on the machine to view SDLXLIFF files. I assume that if you use the Studio API for the quick editor it would not work on a machine without Studio installed, correct? Sometimes I just need to make a quick edit in some SDLXLIFF files and end up opening them in Notepad++. It is for this kind of "text" edits that I would welcome such a feature. But I completely understand your point about the risk of corrupting the SDLXLIFF files that way.

  5. It actually previews MemoQ xlf files, so no worries. Great application.

  6. thanks a lot for this tool
    I use memoQ for Studio files and now I can do a final check to be sure the export file is fine

  7. Hi Junya,
    Is there any news on supporting XLIFF 1.0?
    Best regards,
    Daniel McCosh

  8. Love it, simple, efficient, free. Thank you

  9. Thank you very much, this is the most useful thing since I've entered the world of monstrous SDL Trados Studios

  10. Thank you very much. Its very usefull !!!

  11. This is brilliant! So simple and efficient. Thanks for sharing!
