
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

WPF 4 Unleashed

My first and only WPF application so far is Bilingual Searcher, a freeware tool for reviewers and translators to batch-find and replace bilingual xml files. When I was working on this application, I just focused in on the completion of the project, so aside from the very basics of the data binding mechanism and MVVM pattern, I did not dig much deeper into the WPF architecture itself. But now that I have completed and released the application, I’ve decided to learn the various features of WPF again, from the usages of built-in controls and data binding to styles, templates, user controls, and custom controls.

Instead of googling at random each time I encounter a problem, it will no doubt be more beneficial to invest time in reading well-organized books. That’s why I’ve been reading WPF 4 Unleashed* for the last couple of days. This book covers a broad range of topics you need to know about WPF. Compiled into a book of over 800 pages long, it might be a little overwhelming for WPF beginners, but if you already have some experience in the development of WPF applications, it will not only serve as a useful reference to keep at hand but also deepen your understanding of the technology.

*This edition is actually a bit old and the next edition, WPF 4.5 Unleashed, is currently on the market.

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